What’s happened to Millie Bobby Brown’s face? Plastic surgeons’ verdict on Stranger Things star’s glow-up that fans claim make the 20-year-old ‘look 40’

Actor Millie Bobby Brown is arguably one of Gen Z’s most famous faces. Yet in recent weeks, fans have spotted a curious change ‘I feel so bad for the societal pressures that lead such young girls to do this,’ a third comment read.
‘She looks so much older than her age, it feels like they’re robbing themselves of stages in life.’
Now, cosmetic doctors have weighed in, revealing whether or not fans are correct with their suspicions.
‘Her cheekbones appear higher and her lips appear fuller, which could be the result of filler,’ Dr Paul Banwell, an award-winning consultant plastic and cosmetic surgeon told MailOnline.
However, he added any work she has had done is subtle, and is not ‘weighing her down’, as some social media commenters have suggested.
The star’s changed appearance may simply be due to the result of ‘natural ageing’, Dr Banwell said.