Chris Hemsworth, the actor of “THOR” announced that he will donate 20 million dollars to the aftermath of the wildfires in Los Angeles and he promised to support the most for babies and mothers and he also stood up to…see more

has been a startlingly long time since Rene Russo commanded a movie screen. The 60-year-old actor hasn’t had a starring role since 2005’s forgettable family comedy Yours,
Mine & Ours, a self-imposed hiatus interrupted only by a small, supporting part as Thor’s mother Frigga in 2011’s Thor and 2013’s
Clint Eastwood when they were all in their leading-man prime. Put Russo’s place in cinematic history this way: You could easily draw a direct line from her natural talent, bawdy laugh, unfiltered frankness, and uncommon beauty to Jennifer Lawrence’s current blockbuster career.
For the first time in at least a decade, Russo finally has a role worthy of her abilities and star power.