Millie Bobby Brown, 20, files for divorce with new husband Jake Bonjiovi, 21, in less than 6 months after their Private wedding “I have big dreams and we were too young and in love and rushed things, which was because I was expecting…” See more

While on her period in 2012, Lauren Wasser, 24 years old at the time, followed instructions on the box to change tampons every four hours.
Despite this, the model started to experience flu-like symptoms and says she was “minutes from death” within a matter of hours.
In the hospital, Wasser suffered two heart attacks, as well as kidney failure and tissue decomposition. These complications offered doctors no choice but to amputate her right leg and some of her left toes, with the left leg amputated later after as well.
She was also put into an induced coma for a week and a half.