Keep praying for princess Kate Middleton ❤️😭.She lies bald on hospital bed but still….see more

Princess Kate Makes a Surprise Appearance at a Surrey Maternity Ward
At the Royal Surrey County Hospital, the Princess of Wales spoke to staffers of their pioneering maternal mental-health service and held a day-old infant.
By Erin Vanderhoof
October 5, 2022
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By Alastair Grant/WPA Pool/Getty Images.
On Wednesday morning, Kate Middleton made a surprise appearance at a maternity ward in Surrey, marking her first solo engagement since becoming the Princess of Wales last month. In an ochre belted Karen Millen gown, black suede heels, and a surgical mask, she toured the wards of the Royal Surrey County Hospital. During her visit she spoke to patients as well as staffers who work in the Jasmine Team, the hospital’s pioneering maternal mental-health program.
And, of course, she held a newborn at the hospital’s Special Care Baby Unit. According