“I am not a liberal snowflake. My feelings aren’t fragile, my heart isn’t bleeding. I am a badass believer in human rights. My toughness is tenderness. My strength is in the service of others. There is nothing more fierce than formidable, unconditional love. There is not a thing more courageous than compassion. But if my belief in equity, empathy, goodness, and love indeed makes me or people like me snowflakes, then you should know – WINTER IS COMING.”

Mr. regularfeller, do you always generalize whole groups of people whom you don’t even know? I’m not at all religious. I believe in human rights no matter where the person is from, what their race or religion is. I don’t care if someone prays to God, Allah, Buddah, or a refrigerator.
Be who you are. Most of my friends and family are church going people. 95% of my facebook friends are conservative, Trump supporters, while I’m a liberal. I respect their views, even though I don’t always get respect in return. You’ve never met me, yet you judge me from this one meme and dare to tell me who I am? I embrace individuality. You obviously embrace judgement and generalizations.
Your claims are negated by your conditional love of others (they must agree with you or else), you lack compassion for their person, you hold your ideals superior not equal, and blatantly lack empathy for them as individuals with their own beliefs and values. You do you, boo…but don’t try and “snow” us. 🙂