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Kevin Costner Refuses to SҺare the Stαge with Whoopi Goldberg at the Oscαrs, Ignites Major Backlash because he has proof that she…

While discussing his new Western film, Goldberg asked Costner what he wanted people to take away from his new film, to which he responded, “America started to make this march across this country, and that promise was if you’re strong enough, if you’re tough enough, if you’re resourceful enough, you can hold onto it. The problem was there was a group of people who were here for 15,000 years who had a way of life, and so, the promise of America ran right into the dream of another people that had been existing quite nicely without us.”
Once Costner finished talking, Goldberg said, “Oh, OK. I just — yeah, OK,” before announcing the forthcoming commercial break.
Costner, however, was less than pleased with this, telling the host, “Take control of this Whoopi, honestly. Tell those sponsors to stand down. We’re talking!” The audience laughed, and so did Goldberg; however, it was unclear whether Costner was joking or not. The two did keep talking though, after the commercial break.
You can watch this entire exchange here:Horizon: An American Saga takes place over a 15-year period and shows viewers the trials and tribulations that occurred before and after the Civil War in the expansion and settlement of the American West. Costner wrote, directed and starred in the film, which could explain why he felt so deeply while talking about the project on The View..